Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How to Get Rid of Annoying Telemarketers



(Photo by Wendy Scofield on Unsplash)

How to Get Rid of Annoying Telemarketers

Have you ever been plagued by annoying telemarketers who won't leave you alone? I finally hit upon a solution that really works!

A man with a distinctive accent, claiming to represent a police charity, called our landline several times daily. I politely told him no, we don't give money over the phone, but he kept calling anyway. I asked him to remove our number from his calling list, but he refused. I asked him for the name of the charity. He rattled it off so fast I couldn't write it down. I asked to speak to his supervisor, but he hung up. He became more aggressive when I asked him why he kept calling. He said, "Just help me out." I told him that nobody at that number would give him any money. I stopped answering the phone for a while, and the calls slowed down, but as soon as I started answering it again, he began calling all over again! I called him every name in the book, told him to "F" off, etc. I hung up on him as soon as I heard his voice. The calls would stop for a few days and then start again.

I listed our number with the National No Call Registry, but once telemarketers and scammers get your number, it doesn't work. I searched Google for all the police charities in our state and emailed them, describing the caller's characteristics and harassment and asking them to remove us from their call list. The calls stopped for a while and then started up again.

The caller made a mistake, though. One day, he admitted that the calls were being monitored on a recorded line (something new) and hung up when my husband or I began cussing him out. After this happened a few times, I realized that contacting the police organizations was the right thing to do. This guy is a jerk, and I'm glad he's being monitored. The calls slowed down but didn't stop.

A guy claiming to represent a firemen's charity began calling several times a day during this time. My husband and I thought about yanking out the landline since the cost keeps increasing, and we both have cell phones. I recorded a message on the voicemail telling callers that we do not give money over the phone and to please leave a message or call our cell phones. I stopped answering the phone for three weeks. But my husband was going through knee surgery, and I needed to answer all of our phones for medical reasons.

This guy was a jerk, too, and got really aggressive over the phone. Mostly, I would just hang up when I heard his voice. My husband wasn't so nice. I finally contacted the State Attorney General's and county attorney's offices and complained. After all, these people were violating our privacy, trespassing on our time, and harassing us. Reputable charities don't do that! But the response was lukewarm since there is only so much anybody can do.

One day, a lightbulb went off in my head. I visited the sports section at Wal-Mart and bought a whistle. Now, when an unwanted caller calls, I blow that whistle until they hang up. Unsurprisingly, the calls have stopped.

Don't be a victim! Give this a try!

Dawn Pisturino 
March 13, 2024
Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Happy New Year

Every New Year represents a  new beginning. Old mistakes can be corrected and forgotten, wrongs can be forgiven and washed away, we can learn from past failures, and new goals can be created. January 1st brings new hope that the world will be a better place -- if we do our part to make it so.

Here's some tips on making 2024 a fantastic year for yourself and others:

Work hard, and don't expect free handouts from others.

Live a simpler life, save your money, and pay down your debt.

Eat healthy, exercise, and manage your stress effectively.

Set aside time to work on your hobbies and spend time with loved ones.

Protect the vulnerable people around you -- children, the elderly, and those weaker and more frail than you.

Be kind to animals.

Stand up to bullies and those who enjoy harassing and threatening others.

Do not make politics and political conflict the center of your life.

Study the issues from both sides and make informed and intelligent decisions.

Go to church, show gratitude and humility, and engage in spiritual practices like prayer.

Embrace all people, denounce violence, and be tolerant of different viewpoints and cultures.

Above all, love yourself -- and be good to yourself.

Have a healthy, prosperous, and happy 2024!

Dawn Pisturino

December 30, 2023

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Heavenly Christmas Music


While cleaning my daughter's bedroom yesterday in anticipation of her arrival home for Christmas, I was listening to a lovely video on YouTube that featured the most heavenly Christmas music! I was overwhelmed by feelings of peace and joy. The sky outside loomed large with gray clouds and impending rain. It was the perfect day to sleep and relax and do nothing. But Christmas is a busy time of year. I finished my cleaning before sitting down in the easy chair. Contemplating the peacefulness that Christmas is supposed to be, I thought about my many loved ones. The world and all of its terrible problems seemed far away. I was more than happy to isolate myself inside the house, snug and warm, away from the rest of humanity and all of its conflicts. 

This year, as the world engages in war and political strife, let's try to be a force for good and peace around our own Christmas tables. Avoid controversial topics of conversation and just enjoy each other's company. Appreciate what you have and do not compare yourself to others. Do not engage in race baiting, political debates, or religious controversies. Protect and honor the children in your family. Christmas is a precious time of year for children and families, in particular. For one day, forget about your troubles and worries and just enjoy the holiday.


Dawn Pisturino

Friday, November 17, 2023

Are You Supporting Terrorism?


(Photo from Der Spiegel.)

I didn't want to post this because it would offend some people, but I can't sit back and watch hysterical Americans - mostly uninformed young people - make fools of themselves by supporting HAMAS and calling for the genocide of the Jewish people.

If you support HAMAS, you are supporting terrorism, whether you understand that or not. HAMAS is no different than ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, or any other Islamic terrorist group. The goal of all of these groups is to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate (theocracy), eliminate non-Muslims who refuse to convert, and rule the world. If that sounds fun and romantic to you, I suggest you move to Iran or Afghanistan and experience it first-hand. Too many Americans believe the propaganda and neglect to do their homework. I have talked to Muslims who support the caliphate and believe me, the level of hatred they expound is terrifying. If you think the world is messed up now, just imagine what it would be like under those circumstances. Believe me, you would not survive or want to live under those conditions. Americans have no clue what goes on in other countries and don't appreciate what they have here. If you hate America, please leave. We will easily survive without you. America is the last bastion of individual freedom in the world, and that is quickly eroding because of people who don't appreciate how blessed they are to live in the USA. Do you see millions of people trying to invade any other country? Of course not. Our borders are flooded by illegals because these people want a better life than the one they have back home. Supporting any person, group, political party, or organization that wants to undermine and destroy America is an act of complete insanity. And insane people belong in padded cells where they can't hurt themselves or other people.

Israel is a country that is under attack on all sides by people who hate it. Every day that it survives is a day to celebrate. Israelis just want to survive and live their lives. They are not trying to rule the world and impose their beliefs on others.

It's also important to note that some Arabs and Arab countries helped the Nazis slaughter Jews during World War II. This alone should be a big RED FLAG to people who ignore history. And, do you see any country in the Middle East offering to take in the Palestinians? Of course not, because they don't want HAMAS or any other terrorist group in their own countries. And Palestinians are not innocent bystanders. It's a badge of honor when a Palestinian son or daughter becomes a jihadist and dies a martyr. So, spare me your crocodile tears and misguided support of HAMAS.

PEACE is a luxury the world can't afford right now. There are too many bad people trying to run the world and destroy all of us. It's impossible to negotiate with or appease terrorists, just like it was impossible to do that with Hitler and the Nazis. Ultimately, everyone dies when evil isn't confronted and defeated. Satan destroys his own.

Sorry if I offended you, but c'est la vie. We can't tolerate this crap anymore. It's too important.

Dawn Pisturino

November 17, 2023

Copyright 2023 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Season of the Witch


Halloween witches are traditionally portrayed as old, ugly hags with stringy gray hair, long, warty noses, pointy fingernails, and clawed hands. They ride broomsticks, collect black cats, owls, rats, and other animals as familiars and pets, and cast maleficent spells on unsuspecting people. They exude malignant, negative energy wherever they go. They are evil beings who seek to do harm to others.

However, "witches" have served various purposes throughout history, from natural healers, midwives, oracles, spell casters, matchmakers, advisors to kings, devil worshipers, and evil conjurors. There is no single definition for "witch" since wise women have played significant roles through the centuries, and good witches have existed alongside bad ones.

When Gerald Gardner published The Meaning of Witchcraft in 1959, modern Wicca was born, which seeks to bring the natural and mystical worlds together in a positive and life-affirming form. Do no harm is the primary Wiccan motto, although traditionally expressed as "An' ye harm none, do what ye will." A far cry from the ugly Halloween crone!

Samhain (Halloween) is the most important festival in the Wiccan year, for it marks the end of the year's life cycle when the veil between life and death is at its most fragile. This is the night the dead are remembered and invited to partake in the festivities. As the old year ends, the new year begins. Celebrants look forward to new possibilities, more abundant harvests, and a happier and more fulfilled life.

As you sip your pumpkin spice latte and indulge in delectable chocolates and pastries this Halloween, remember it is a holiday that encompasses many layers of meaning. For some, it is "a night of frolic," as the Sanderson sisters would say (Disney's Hocus Pocus). It is a night of hope for others, looking forward to a new year. While there may be mischief makers and people with evil interests on the prowl, this is true every night of the year. The evening news reminds us every night.

So, take advantage of the holiday season and start partying heartily!


Dawn Pisturino

October 28, 2023

Copyright 2023 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Ethics of Autonomy (Self-Determination)


One of the ethical issues that came up frequently in our behavioral health unit was the issue of autonomy (Greek: self-law). If somebody wanted to die, did they have the right to die? Specifically, several older people on our unit underwent dialysis three times a week. They got tired of it, quit going, and decided they wanted to die. People interpreted this as a suicidal gesture, forcing them to be admitted involuntarily to our behavioral health unit.

The question arose: Did these people have the mental capacity to make this decision? One woman had a history of psychosis. Was she mentally competent to decide to quit dialysis? After her evaluation, the psychiatrist determined that the woman was not mentally competent to make this decision. The woman was held in our unit under Title 36 (involuntary commitment with all legal rights temporarily suspended) and forced to go to dialysis. Her daughter became her legal guardian, so the woman lost all legal rights to quit going to dialysis. The woman was unhappy with her life. Other people forced her to undergo a medical treatment she did not want.

Most of the nurses on the unit believed the woman had the right to quit dialysis if she no longer wanted it. Using the reasoning appropriate to Kohlberg’s Stages 5 and 6 of moral development, the psychiatrist was following the ethical code of her profession – do no harm – and protecting her professional license. The people who sent the patient to our unit were concerned about her well-being and did what they felt was right. The nurses advocated for the patient’s civil rights – autonomy and self-determination. Even if the patient had a history of psychosis, she had a right to stop treatment that was making her life unhappy. On the medical floor, if a patient deemed mentally competent decides to quit dialysis and die, nobody questions it. Their rights are not legally taken away because they chose to die. They designate themselves a “Do Not Resuscitate,” put their affairs in order, and let Mother Nature take its course. It’s a moral dilemma, dependent on the law, mental health vs. medical rights, and personal moral judgment.

If you were in this situation, what would you choose? What are your thoughts?

Dawn Pisturino

September 18, 2023

Copyright 2023 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Book Review: "Re-Create and Celebrate" by Cindy Georgakas


Re-Create and Celebrate by Cindy Georgakas (2023). Available on

I did not want to read another self-help book. I studied yoga, meditation, breathwork, herbalism, alternative medicine, New Age modalities, and authentic spiritual practices for years. I did a deep dive into Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Plus, fifteen years of mental health experience had taught me the evidence-based practices of mental health care. As the saying goes, “There is nothing new under the sun,” what could Cindy teach me?

Cindy is a warm, good-hearted, and sincere woman who strives to share her life experiences and knowledge with others. Always positive and encouraging, she never approaches people with arrogance or condescension in her voice and attitude. She freely admits her mistakes. Unlike some people on the Internet, Cindy is a role model who can be trusted and admired.

Pushed to the breaking point by a difficult personal situation, I needed renewal and support. A little voice kept telling me to order Cindy’s book. I finally did it, and I’m glad I did.

From the very first word, Cindy’s book reminded me of concepts I had not thought about for years. Her soothing voice spoke to me, calmed me down, and cleared away my turbulent thoughts and emotions. Her presence helped me make an important decision I had been avoiding. Reading her book taught me that no matter what we know or think we know, we sometimes need a nudge from a caring human being to set us back on the right track.

No matter where you are on your quest for self-improvement, Cindy’s book is a valuable guide to help you get where you want to be. I highly recommend it, based on my own experience.


Have a blessed day!

Dawn Pisturino

August 2, 2023

Copyright 2023 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.