Thursday, September 19, 2024

In Time for Halloween


#1 Amazon New Release in three categories -- Haiku for the Midnight Hour, my new Halloween collection of haiku.

Available in paperback and Ebook on

Kindle -

Paperback -

Thank you for stopping by!

Dawn Pisturino

September 19, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

Coming in September - Haiku for the Midnight Hour


                                    (Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino)

Coming to Amazon in September in paperback and Ebook - Haiku for the Midnight Hour, my Halloween collection of haiku!

Dawn Pisturino

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

#1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry


My new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, reached #1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry. This is beyond my wildest expectations!

Amazon Book Blurb:

"In Japan, tsukimi (moon gazing) is an annual Harvest Moon Festival celebrated in September. Dating back centuries, when the noble classes composed music and poetry while viewing the full moon, the festival now includes everybody and marks the celebration of the autumn season. Looking for the 'rabbit in the moon' while picnicking under the stars, appreciating the moon’s sacred splendor, giving thanks for bounties received, and looking forward to a prosperous future make this a special event. The 62 haiku in this digital chapbook celebrate all seasons and all aspects of life, with the last chapter dedicated to moon gazing. Enjoy the fun!"

Purchase links:

Thank you!

Dawn Pisturino

June 11, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Lunar Gazing Haiku" Launches June 12th!


(Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino.)

Look for my new release, Lunar Gazing Haiku, to be available on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99 on June 12, 2024!

Here's the forward:

"Haiku is a Japanese poetic form that originated in the 17th century to simplify and perfect traditional literary poetry. Poets sought to stimulate emotional and mental reactions to nature themes in an abbreviated form using 17 syllables in a 5-7-5 pattern. Later, poets broadened their scope and introduced other themes. Famous haiku poets include Basho, Buson, and Issa.  

"In Japan, tsukimi  (moon gazing) is an annual Harvest Moon Festival celebrated in September. Dating back centuries, when the noble classes composed music and poetry while viewing the full moon, the festival now includes everybody and marks the celebration of the autumn season. Looking for the 'rabbit in the moon' while picnicking under the stars, appreciating the moon's sacred splendor, giving thanks for bounties received, and looking forward to a prosperous future make this a special event.

"In the United States, autumn celebrations include harvest festivals and craft fairs, Oktoberfest, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and events leading up to the Winter Solstice and Christmas.

"The 62 haiku in this chapbook celebrate all seasons and all aspects of life, with the last chapter dedicated to moon gazing. Enjoy the fun!"

See you then!

Dawn Pisturino
June 6, 2024
Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Perfect Mother's Day Gift


Ariel's Song is a collection of intensely personal poems written between 1987 and 2023 that features various styles and themes, from twisted limericks that make you laugh to traditional sonnets that make you think and feel the world around you. There is something for everyone to enjoy: dark poems, love poems, nature poems, funny poems, poems about death and grief, poems about abuse and heartache, children's poems, and experimental poems.

Amazon link:

Have a great day!

Dawn Pisturino

May 7, 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024

Water - Our Most Precious Resource


                                   (Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino)

Don't let politicians and land developers fool you! Protecting our water sources is vital to a bright future for everyone! The more development, the less water. Period. Fight for your right to survive.

Dawn Pisturino

April 29, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How to Get Rid of Annoying Telemarketers



(Photo by Wendy Scofield on Unsplash)

How to Get Rid of Annoying Telemarketers

Have you ever been plagued by annoying telemarketers who won't leave you alone? I finally hit upon a solution that really works!

A man with a distinctive accent, claiming to represent a police charity, called our landline several times daily. I politely told him no, we don't give money over the phone, but he kept calling anyway. I asked him to remove our number from his calling list, but he refused. I asked him for the name of the charity. He rattled it off so fast I couldn't write it down. I asked to speak to his supervisor, but he hung up. He became more aggressive when I asked him why he kept calling. He said, "Just help me out." I told him that nobody at that number would give him any money. I stopped answering the phone for a while, and the calls slowed down, but as soon as I started answering it again, he began calling all over again! I called him every name in the book, told him to "F" off, etc. I hung up on him as soon as I heard his voice. The calls would stop for a few days and then start again.

I listed our number with the National No Call Registry, but once telemarketers and scammers get your number, it doesn't work. I searched Google for all the police charities in our state and emailed them, describing the caller's characteristics and harassment and asking them to remove us from their call list. The calls stopped for a while and then started up again.

The caller made a mistake, though. One day, he admitted that the calls were being monitored on a recorded line (something new) and hung up when my husband or I began cussing him out. After this happened a few times, I realized that contacting the police organizations was the right thing to do. This guy is a jerk, and I'm glad he's being monitored. The calls slowed down but didn't stop.

A guy claiming to represent a firemen's charity began calling several times a day during this time. My husband and I thought about yanking out the landline since the cost keeps increasing, and we both have cell phones. I recorded a message on the voicemail telling callers that we do not give money over the phone and to please leave a message or call our cell phones. I stopped answering the phone for three weeks. But my husband was going through knee surgery, and I needed to answer all of our phones for medical reasons.

This guy was a jerk, too, and got really aggressive over the phone. Mostly, I would just hang up when I heard his voice. My husband wasn't so nice. I finally contacted the State Attorney General's and county attorney's offices and complained. After all, these people were violating our privacy, trespassing on our time, and harassing us. Reputable charities don't do that! But the response was lukewarm since there is only so much anybody can do.

One day, a lightbulb went off in my head. I visited the sports section at Wal-Mart and bought a whistle. Now, when an unwanted caller calls, I blow that whistle until they hang up. Unsurprisingly, the calls have stopped.

Don't be a victim! Give this a try!

Dawn Pisturino 
March 13, 2024
Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.