(Photo from Der Spiegel.)
I didn't want to post this because it would offend some people, but I can't sit back and watch hysterical Americans - mostly uninformed young people - make fools of themselves by supporting HAMAS and calling for the genocide of the Jewish people.
If you support HAMAS, you are supporting terrorism, whether you understand that or not. HAMAS is no different than ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, or any other Islamic terrorist group. The goal of all of these groups is to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate (theocracy), eliminate non-Muslims who refuse to convert, and rule the world. If that sounds fun and romantic to you, I suggest you move to Iran or Afghanistan and experience it first-hand. Too many Americans believe the propaganda and neglect to do their homework. I have talked to Muslims who support the caliphate and believe me, the level of hatred they expound is terrifying. If you think the world is messed up now, just imagine what it would be like under those circumstances. Believe me, you would not survive or want to live under those conditions. Americans have no clue what goes on in other countries and don't appreciate what they have here. If you hate America, please leave. We will easily survive without you. America is the last bastion of individual freedom in the world, and that is quickly eroding because of people who don't appreciate how blessed they are to live in the USA. Do you see millions of people trying to invade any other country? Of course not. Our borders are flooded by illegals because these people want a better life than the one they have back home. Supporting any person, group, political party, or organization that wants to undermine and destroy America is an act of complete insanity. And insane people belong in padded cells where they can't hurt themselves or other people.
Israel is a country that is under attack on all sides by people who hate it. Every day that it survives is a day to celebrate. Israelis just want to survive and live their lives. They are not trying to rule the world and impose their beliefs on others.
It's also important to note that some Arabs and Arab countries helped the Nazis slaughter Jews during World War II. This alone should be a big RED FLAG to people who ignore history. And, do you see any country in the Middle East offering to take in the Palestinians? Of course not, because they don't want HAMAS or any other terrorist group in their own countries. And Palestinians are not innocent bystanders. It's a badge of honor when a Palestinian son or daughter becomes a jihadist and dies a martyr. So, spare me your crocodile tears and misguided support of HAMAS.
PEACE is a luxury the world can't afford right now. There are too many bad people trying to run the world and destroy all of us. It's impossible to negotiate with or appease terrorists, just like it was impossible to do that with Hitler and the Nazis. Ultimately, everyone dies when evil isn't confronted and defeated. Satan destroys his own.
Sorry if I offended you, but c'est la vie. We can't tolerate this crap anymore. It's too important.
Dawn Pisturino
November 17, 2023
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